This is a locked chapterChapter 538: When the Flame Goes Out
About This Chapter
The chapter opens with a flashback to the beginning of the previous chapter, where we learn that Kaffi's body has been transformed into a demon, and that the marks on her body are gone. The chapter ends with a description of the book, which is now gone. Kaffi thanks Ganymede for his help, and tells him that he's all right. The marks on his body have disappeared, and the book is gone, too. The narrator tells us that he doesn't believe the first master would want them to be sad about it. He says that the master would have wanted them to return to the Guild with smiles on their faces. He also says that he still has a lot to do in the Guild, so he'd like them to kick back for a while. He's been away from the Guild for a long time, and he feels like he owes a huge apology. He wants to go back out on a new adventure.