In this chapter, we learn that the Council has been worshipping zeref as a god, and that they believe that he will lead them to the future, where they will find gray. When they ask him why he thinks they should take the job, he tells them that he heard from the future that they should find gray, because he had black marks on his body when they fought mard-geer in the future. He also says that he thinks that he picked something evil up in the process. The Council's spokesman, briar, says that they still intend to purify the impure world as planned. He says that one of the members of the Council is an informant for the Council, and he says that the real problem is not with the Council itself, but with the leak of the operation to the other members. He adds that he still doesn't understand why they should be here. He wants to know what they're going to do about it, and when they say they'll arrest redfox, he says he'll do it.