Fairy Tail

Fairy Tail • Chapter 298: Exciting Ryuzetsu Land • Page ik-page-621884
Fairy Tail • Chapter 298: Exciting Ryuzetsu Land • Page ik-page-621881
Chapter 298: Exciting Ryuzetsu Land
This is a locked chapterChapter 298: Exciting Ryuzetsu Land
About This Chapter
On the second day of the magic, the two young men ride to a hot spot in the forest. They're there to have a little fun, but they're interrupted by the arrival of Beauty and the Beast, who's on his way back from a fight with the other fairies. Beauty is bummed that he's been left out of the action, but he still wants to go to the hot spot. He's also bummed that Beauty is wearing a skimpy outfit, and he wishes they'd invited the elf instead. Beauty says he'll die if he doesn't get to see the two men together. He wants to know if they'll go on a ride called "the love-love slider" , where Beauty and Beauty are locked together in a "firm embrace" . Beauty's not so sure. He thinks Beauty is being a little too nice to the other men, and that they've broken the rules of the game. Beauty thinks Beauty and his friend are being a bit too nice, and they should just chill out and enjoy the moment. Beauty, however, isn't having any of it. He can't believe Beauty is behaving this way. He says Beauty is "over" his beauty standards, and now Beauty has done something that he hasn't done in a long time. Beauty asks if they broke any rules, and Beauty says they didn't, but that's just the way it is. Beauty wants to get back to the fight, so he asks Beauty to forget Beauty and ride with him. Beauty agrees. Beauty wonders if they can send the bill for the repairs to the fairy tail.
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Fairy Tail

Fairy Tail • Chapter 298: Exciting Ryuzetsu Land • Page ik-page-621884
Fairy Tail • Chapter 298: Exciting Ryuzetsu Land • Page ik-page-621881
Chapter 298: Exciting Ryuzetsu Land
This is a locked chapterChapter 298: Exciting Ryuzetsu Land
About This Chapter
On the second day of the magic, the two young men ride to a hot spot in the forest. They're there to have a little fun, but they're interrupted by the arrival of Beauty and the Beast, who's on his way back from a fight with the other fairies. Beauty is bummed that he's been left out of the action, but he still wants to go to the hot spot. He's also bummed that Beauty is wearing a skimpy outfit, and he wishes they'd invited the elf instead. Beauty says he'll die if he doesn't get to see the two men together. He wants to know if they'll go on a ride called "the love-love slider" , where Beauty and Beauty are locked together in a "firm embrace" . Beauty's not so sure. He thinks Beauty is being a little too nice to the other men, and that they've broken the rules of the game. Beauty thinks Beauty and his friend are being a bit too nice, and they should just chill out and enjoy the moment. Beauty, however, isn't having any of it. He can't believe Beauty is behaving this way. He says Beauty is "over" his beauty standards, and now Beauty has done something that he hasn't done in a long time. Beauty asks if they broke any rules, and Beauty says they didn't, but that's just the way it is. Beauty wants to get back to the fight, so he asks Beauty to forget Beauty and ride with him. Beauty agrees. Beauty wonders if they can send the bill for the repairs to the fairy tail.
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