Fairy Tail

Fairy Tail • Chapter 374: Revolution • Page ik-page-623731
Fairy Tail • Chapter 374: Revolution • Page ik-page-623719
Chapter 374: Revolution
This is a locked chapterChapter 374: Revolution
About This Chapter
It's 40 minutes until face is off, and the guys are frantically trying to figure out a way to get past the guards. They're not sure where they're supposed to be, but they've got a plan: they'll open the gates of the three big buildings in the area. The guards are psyched, because they think they can get past them. They don't know where the guards are hiding, but the guys have a plan. First, they need to open the gate of the "golden bovine palace," the "white ram palace," and the "great caverns of the cowbane canyon" . They need to find a way past them, because the guards think they might be able to cut them off. The guys finally figure out where they are, and they run off to find the guards, who are psyched to be in the right place at the right time. When they get to the caverns, they find out that the guards aren't there, but instead are in the "star of destruc-tion's" , which is a fancy way of saying "the star of the underworld." The guys are psyched because they know that they have a chance to kill the guards before they get too far away from them. But then they realize that they can't just run away. They have to rescue mira, who's trapped in the caverns with the other guards, and then they have to use their revolution to get rid of the guards so they can use their souls to evolve using their revolution. They can do this by sucking in the souls of the dead guards and using them to evolve with their revolution, which they can do by using the souls they take from the guards to evolve themselves. So, they just need to get away from the guard, who will have to pay for letting the guards run off. But they can also use the souls that they get from the dead
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Fairy Tail

Fairy Tail • Chapter 374: Revolution • Page ik-page-623731
Fairy Tail • Chapter 374: Revolution • Page ik-page-623719
Chapter 374: Revolution
This is a locked chapterChapter 374: Revolution
About This Chapter
It's 40 minutes until face is off, and the guys are frantically trying to figure out a way to get past the guards. They're not sure where they're supposed to be, but they've got a plan: they'll open the gates of the three big buildings in the area. The guards are psyched, because they think they can get past them. They don't know where the guards are hiding, but the guys have a plan. First, they need to open the gate of the "golden bovine palace," the "white ram palace," and the "great caverns of the cowbane canyon" . They need to find a way past them, because the guards think they might be able to cut them off. The guys finally figure out where they are, and they run off to find the guards, who are psyched to be in the right place at the right time. When they get to the caverns, they find out that the guards aren't there, but instead are in the "star of destruc-tion's" , which is a fancy way of saying "the star of the underworld." The guys are psyched because they know that they have a chance to kill the guards before they get too far away from them. But then they realize that they can't just run away. They have to rescue mira, who's trapped in the caverns with the other guards, and then they have to use their revolution to get rid of the guards so they can use their souls to evolve using their revolution. They can do this by sucking in the souls of the dead guards and using them to evolve with their revolution, which they can do by using the souls they take from the guards to evolve themselves. So, they just need to get away from the guard, who will have to pay for letting the guards run off. But they can also use the souls that they get from the dead
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