This is a locked chapterChapter 122: The Lonely Thunder Clap
About This Chapter
Chapter 122 opens with a thunder clap rock in front of the town of magnolia, which is being defended by a band of warriors. The swordsman asks the others in the guild to lend him their strength. He tells them that the guild is worthless and that he is here to change it. He says that he will change the guild one minute and thirty seconds before the thunder palace fires. The old man says that nothing is going to happen, that he has nothing to gain from breaking the town into pieces. He then tells the others to get up and prepare to fight. The sky is full of warriors, he says, and they are all ready to attack. He reminds them that bisca is a member of the guild, but that they should not worry about that because he is not stone anymore. He goes on to say that they are out of time, and that they will destroy the magic in the sky after they tear it down. He asks the old man not to leave the town, because he will get his magic after they destroy the sky.