Four hundred years have passed since the creation of the kingdom of Dragnof, and the humans are being attacked by the dragons again. This is because the dragons in the west have no wisdom, and they are attacking the humans because they have no compassion for the humans. The humans are bound to eventually come to the inner garden, and this will ruin the bond that has been built between the humans and the dragons. The war that would come to be called the "dragon king festival" was the result of the kindness of the dragons, and it stems from the love between the two peoples. The dragons and humans have lived in harmony ever since, and in that time there were many kingdoms in the same country. The king says that he has made the wood harder than it is incredible, and that now they will win the war for sure. He has not lost his desire to defend the humans, and he believes that his predecessor once saved his life. He does not believe that his debt will ever be paid until he has protected the humans from the irene. He asks the king to allow him to fight by his side. He wonders why he still feels compelled to serve him, and to fight for the Irene, when he will devote his entire life to this. The one who created the magic of the sword was a woman by the name of Wendy, and she is still in his heart. He says that the plan of the humans to grant the power to slay dragons was a successful one, and many were born, but some were unable to control their power, and ran wild. The power ate away from the human body,