This is a locked chapterChapter 160: The Power of Emotion
About This Chapter
This chapter's epigraph comes from a line in the play, "The power of emotion" . It's a line from Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice" , in which the king's power is likened to the power of ether . In this passage, the king compares his power to that of ether, which is a kind of magical power that can destroy anything. He says that his power is like ether, and that he's going to use it to destroy the "Lucy" guild. He's got five minutes to do it, and he doesn't know if he'll be able to. He wants to protect the guild, he says, but he can't tell the others that he can do it. So, he decides to keep trying, even if it means that he has to use a tiny amount of magic to get the job done. He tells the audience that, at times, "emo tions" become "power itself" and that's why he keeps trying. He asks the audience if they want to go ahead and destroy the guild in five minutes. The audience says yes, and the dragon says that they'll do it in three minutes. Then he says that he needs more sky power, because he is "master zero" of the