Fairy Tail

Fairy Tail • Chapter 36: Ur • Page ik-page-613733
Fairy Tail • Chapter 36: Ur • Page ik-page-613731
Chapter 36: Ur
This is a locked chapterChapter 36: Ur
About This Chapter
Reedus jonah is a young man who has been taught to use magic by his master, the ice wizard. He tells his master that he is the only person in the world with the power to defeat the evil witch, Deliora. The ice wizard tells him that the only way for him to surpass his master is to defeat Deliora, an enemy that he cannot defeat. He also tells him, however, that he has not died, but is still alive. He says that he will not rest until Deliora pays him.
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Fairy Tail

Fairy Tail • Chapter 36: Ur • Page ik-page-613733
Fairy Tail • Chapter 36: Ur • Page ik-page-613731
Chapter 36: Ur
This is a locked chapterChapter 36: Ur
About This Chapter
Reedus jonah is a young man who has been taught to use magic by his master, the ice wizard. He tells his master that he is the only person in the world with the power to defeat the evil witch, Deliora. The ice wizard tells him that the only way for him to surpass his master is to defeat Deliora, an enemy that he cannot defeat. He also tells him, however, that he has not died, but is still alive. He says that he will not rest until Deliora pays him.
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