Fairy Tail

Fairy Tail • Chapter 524: The Black Future • Page ik-page-631948
Fairy Tail • Chapter 524: The Black Future • Page ik-page-631947
Chapter 524: The Black Future
This is a locked chapterChapter 524: The Black Future
About This Chapter
In this chapter, the reader is introduced to a new character named "Toto shiver" . He is the son of Hiroyuki's mother, who was the one who created the dragon-slayer magic in the first place. Hiroyuki tells the reader that he feels the same way as he did when he was a child. He tells his mother that he has lost the power to defeat his father. He also tells her that he cannot continue to play with his father's magic because he is no longer able to defeat him. He feels that the time has come for him to lay down his life for the good of all humanity. He says that if his father had not been able to get the magic of "fairy heart," then perhaps the outcome of the war would have been different. He adds that his father is acting in the service of the future, not the present. He claims that he is the only one who understands the situation, and that he does not care what rationalizations he uses to justify his actions. He points out that even the master is dead, laughing and spending his time with the people of the town. He continues that he will not give up, even if the master's death means that they will have to send a conjurer back to them. He asks the reader if he loves his father, and the reader replies that he hardly even thinks about him. The reader wonders what emotions he would feel if his daughter were to die before his eyes.
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Fairy Tail

Fairy Tail • Chapter 524: The Black Future • Page ik-page-631948
Fairy Tail • Chapter 524: The Black Future • Page ik-page-631947
Chapter 524: The Black Future
This is a locked chapterChapter 524: The Black Future
About This Chapter
In this chapter, the reader is introduced to a new character named "Toto shiver" . He is the son of Hiroyuki's mother, who was the one who created the dragon-slayer magic in the first place. Hiroyuki tells the reader that he feels the same way as he did when he was a child. He tells his mother that he has lost the power to defeat his father. He also tells her that he cannot continue to play with his father's magic because he is no longer able to defeat him. He feels that the time has come for him to lay down his life for the good of all humanity. He says that if his father had not been able to get the magic of "fairy heart," then perhaps the outcome of the war would have been different. He adds that his father is acting in the service of the future, not the present. He claims that he is the only one who understands the situation, and that he does not care what rationalizations he uses to justify his actions. He points out that even the master is dead, laughing and spending his time with the people of the town. He continues that he will not give up, even if the master's death means that they will have to send a conjurer back to them. He asks the reader if he loves his father, and the reader replies that he hardly even thinks about him. The reader wonders what emotions he would feel if his daughter were to die before his eyes.
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