This is a locked chapterChapter 272: Graceful Defeat
About This Chapter
During the seven years that Sirius has been away from the team, he has participated in many dance competitions, hoping to win some prize money to rebuild the guild. Unfortunately, he is unable to do so. He also participates in a previous grand magic games, but he is out-danced by "Ichiya of Blue" in a dance battle. He tells the other players not to use any magic, but to pull themselves together. He says that it is fun to strip naked in front of people, especially if it is "play with a scream." He tells them that he has a mark that "will stay with you for your whole life." Asukachan tells him that she has made a "copy of herself" so that she can raise her magic powers. She has learned the "ultimate celestial spell" . The fight is over, and the "raven tail" has won.