This is a locked chapterChapter 132: Allies, Unite!
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we are introduced to a new character named friar "Friar" . He is a member of a dark guild called the Balamfost Alliance, which is made up of members of the dark and light guilds. The dark guild has decided to take shelter from the fairies, and the light guild has chosen to take refuge from the fairy tail. The two guilds have different jobs, however, and so they have agreed to meet each other at the retreat house. The friar tells the other members that he is the chosen one, and that he has always admired them. He asks them to take a seat and tells them that they are the ones chosen to serve him tonight and forever. He tells them to "smile sniff sniff sniff" at the fairies. He also tells them not to go out with the other guild members, as he finds them annoying. He says that he will ask them once to "lay off the princesses" of his guild. He then tells the others that he cannot feel any love for them, because he has been reborn for their sake of love.