This is a locked chapterChapter 345: Somebody's Voice
About This Chapter
This chapter opens with a description of the character named "rogue cheney" . He is a member of the Shadow Dragon Slayer magic team. He was once a young man who dreamed of becoming a part of "phantom lord himself" , but after the magic games, he was shocked to find that he was actually a child. He wonders if he has any armor that would fit this size, but he must do something to change him back again. He tells the other members of the team that they are the best treasure hunting guild in the world. He also tells them that he is famous for his archery and that they need his weapon to rescue the giant giants. They grab him and tell him to give it back to them. He says they are heavy robbers and that he broke their plan. They say they could melt the "eternal flame" with a Duun, but they have to change plans. He hears a voice and thinks it is the voice of a dead body. He wants to know what is going on. He asks if they have the keys to the blonde chick and if they can return to the guild without them.