
Apotheosis • Season 1 Chapter 61: Song of Righteous Spirit • Page ik-page-533449
Apotheosis • Season 1 Chapter 61: Song of Righteous Spirit • Page ik-page-533450
Apotheosis • Season 1 Chapter 61: Song of Righteous Spirit • Page ik-page-533451
Season 1 Chapter 61: Song of Righteous Spirit
This is a locked chapterSeason 1 Chapter 61: Song of Righteous Spirit
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we learn that the transformation of an innate energy into a transformed form is called a "transformation of innate energy" . The transformation is so powerful that it can be seen as a form of "shameful" self-revelation. This is the first time we've seen such a thing, and we're not sure how it's possible. We also learn that zheng yun is trying to gain something out of the transformation, which is why he's trying to learn more about it. Aww, suck it up. The eastern area isn't the only place in the world that doesn't have a lot of skills. The world is a huge place, and the only way to know about it is to go outside of it and see it with your own eyes. We learn that this eastern area is one of only five areas in the whole world, and that there are no skills beyond the tian, the di, the xuan and the huang tiers. The only thing that matters to zheng is that he wants to be an elder in the Qingyun sect. He's not going to reveal his trump card to save his life, though, because he'd rather be true to his own words. He also realizes that zhou dan has been writing the song of "righteous spirit" , and he can't understand why zheng has been trying to achieve this in this fight. zheng can even understand something as "formless" as the righteous spirit. He can even comprehend that something as pure as "righteous" spirit is not indestructible. He knows that he has to deal with "song of righteous spirit" first, because that's how he'll be able to defeat zheng
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Apotheosis • Season 1 Chapter 61: Song of Righteous Spirit • Page ik-page-533449
Apotheosis • Season 1 Chapter 61: Song of Righteous Spirit • Page ik-page-533450
Apotheosis • Season 1 Chapter 61: Song of Righteous Spirit • Page ik-page-533451
Season 1 Chapter 61: Song of Righteous Spirit
This is a locked chapterSeason 1 Chapter 61: Song of Righteous Spirit
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we learn that the transformation of an innate energy into a transformed form is called a "transformation of innate energy" . The transformation is so powerful that it can be seen as a form of "shameful" self-revelation. This is the first time we've seen such a thing, and we're not sure how it's possible. We also learn that zheng yun is trying to gain something out of the transformation, which is why he's trying to learn more about it. Aww, suck it up. The eastern area isn't the only place in the world that doesn't have a lot of skills. The world is a huge place, and the only way to know about it is to go outside of it and see it with your own eyes. We learn that this eastern area is one of only five areas in the whole world, and that there are no skills beyond the tian, the di, the xuan and the huang tiers. The only thing that matters to zheng is that he wants to be an elder in the Qingyun sect. He's not going to reveal his trump card to save his life, though, because he'd rather be true to his own words. He also realizes that zhou dan has been writing the song of "righteous spirit" , and he can't understand why zheng has been trying to achieve this in this fight. zheng can even understand something as "formless" as the righteous spirit. He can even comprehend that something as pure as "righteous" spirit is not indestructible. He knows that he has to deal with "song of righteous spirit" first, because that's how he'll be able to defeat zheng
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