
Apotheosis • Season 2 Chapter 177: Netherworld Yaksa • Page ik-page-857050
Apotheosis • Season 2 Chapter 177: Netherworld Yaksa • Page ik-page-857051
Season 2 Chapter 177: Netherworld Yaksa
This is a locked chapterSeason 2 Chapter 177: Netherworld Yaksa
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we find out that the evil yaksa is an evil demon that has come from hell. It's called a scimitar, and it's a sword that's supposed to summon a demon in the lower world. Okay, now that we've seen that, we can see that the sword has special effects. The only problem is that this sword isn't really a sword at all, but rather a demon-like creature that can be summoned by any number of different weapons, including fists and swords. The problem with this sword is that it has no special effect, and that means that you're going to die at the hands of this demon. So, what's the point of trying to figure out how to use this sword? You're not going to be able to defeat this demon in one blow, right? So, he's going to have to beat this demon one blow at a time. He's got 500 dragon scales, so he'll have to use them to break through the netherworld barrier.
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Apotheosis • Season 2 Chapter 177: Netherworld Yaksa • Page ik-page-857050
Apotheosis • Season 2 Chapter 177: Netherworld Yaksa • Page ik-page-857051
Season 2 Chapter 177: Netherworld Yaksa
This is a locked chapterSeason 2 Chapter 177: Netherworld Yaksa
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we find out that the evil yaksa is an evil demon that has come from hell. It's called a scimitar, and it's a sword that's supposed to summon a demon in the lower world. Okay, now that we've seen that, we can see that the sword has special effects. The only problem is that this sword isn't really a sword at all, but rather a demon-like creature that can be summoned by any number of different weapons, including fists and swords. The problem with this sword is that it has no special effect, and that means that you're going to die at the hands of this demon. So, what's the point of trying to figure out how to use this sword? You're not going to be able to defeat this demon in one blow, right? So, he's going to have to beat this demon one blow at a time. He's got 500 dragon scales, so he'll have to use them to break through the netherworld barrier.
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