This is a locked chapterSeason 2 Chapter 124: Learning the Patterns of God
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Learning the patterns of the dragon's runes has revealed a completely new world, says the young man. He's just come to watch the fight, and he doesn't believe that the other fighters are as lucky as they are. He wants to know why they're not picking someone else to fight, instead of just fighting the weaker fighters. He also wants to see if he can learn the art of making the patterns. He asks if he's strong enough to do it now, and the teacher explains that it's easier for him to channel his soul power into the tip of his brush than it is to channel it into the shape of a thorn. The next day, they'll have to prepare for the final match, which is against Hu tianyang. The young man wants to buy some supplies for the next match so that he can finish it quickly. He hears that even the world's largest commerce union has a shop in the city.