This is a locked chapterSeason 2 Chapter 327: Downfall of the Family
About This Chapter
The next morning, Gu thinks about Cui xie and decides that he'll stop worrying about him. He's finally been able to communicate with a star, but he's still not sure if it's him or someone else. He wants to find out what happened to the missing xi family member, so he decides to go to the meeting hall and ask about what happened in the city of Xuzhou. The city was destroyed by the thieving sect, and the entire family of the xi clan was annihilated. The only survivor of the family is Gu, and he wants to know what's going on with his family. He hears that a group of xi survivors are coming to cloud hall, and they need his help. The elders of the sect are shocked to hear that the family from xi is coming, but they don't know where their uncles are. Gu tells the elders that his father has been killed by xi xie himself, and that xi has disappeared. He also tells them that he gave xi an expensive gift, but she threw it away without thinking. He now has his revenge and humiliates her.