Tales Of Demons And Gods

Tales Of Demons And Gods • Chapter 353.5: The Demon Watcher (Part 2) • Page ik-page-2983515
Chapter 353.5: The Demon Watcher (Part 2)
This is a locked chapterChapter 353.5: The Demon Watcher (Part 2)
About This Chapter
In this chapter, Gu Bei and the other members of the Divine Feather sect discuss the future of the demon league. They plan to occupy at least one or two heavenly star realm lakes and form a formidable force against the sage emperor. The sage emperor has full control over the time and space inside the ruins realm, so they have to build their own power to confront him. The first step in this plan is to unite their sect and become their leader. The second step is to pass their cultivation techniques to the rest of the league. The third step is for the entire league to fall into intense training. One month later, the yin league joins the divine feather league. This is because the yin clan belongs to the heavenly axis, which means that they are on the same side of the universe as the divine feathers. If they want to enter the world of the outside world, they must fight sooner or later. The outside world brother, who is a seller of dried-up goddess's lakes, asks why Gu Bei wants to buy such a thing. He says that the goddess' lake produces only two thousand stones a year, but he has placed the goddess root into the rivers and mountains of the world.
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Tales Of Demons And Gods

Tales Of Demons And Gods • Chapter 353.5: The Demon Watcher (Part 2) • Page ik-page-2983515
Chapter 353.5: The Demon Watcher (Part 2)
This is a locked chapterChapter 353.5: The Demon Watcher (Part 2)
About This Chapter
In this chapter, Gu Bei and the other members of the Divine Feather sect discuss the future of the demon league. They plan to occupy at least one or two heavenly star realm lakes and form a formidable force against the sage emperor. The sage emperor has full control over the time and space inside the ruins realm, so they have to build their own power to confront him. The first step in this plan is to unite their sect and become their leader. The second step is to pass their cultivation techniques to the rest of the league. The third step is for the entire league to fall into intense training. One month later, the yin league joins the divine feather league. This is because the yin clan belongs to the heavenly axis, which means that they are on the same side of the universe as the divine feathers. If they want to enter the world of the outside world, they must fight sooner or later. The outside world brother, who is a seller of dried-up goddess's lakes, asks why Gu Bei wants to buy such a thing. He says that the goddess' lake produces only two thousand stones a year, but he has placed the goddess root into the rivers and mountains of the world.
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