Tales Of Demons And Gods

Tales Of Demons And Gods • Chapter 324.5: The Ghastly Ruins (Part 2) • Page ik-page-1569837
Chapter 324.5: The Ghastly Ruins (Part 2)
This is a locked chapterChapter 324.5: The Ghastly Ruins (Part 2)
About This Chapter
The group goes to a training ground called the "horrid ruins" , where they can exchange soul scales for trinkets. The only problem is that they can't keep all of the scales in one place, so they have to trade them all at once. They can only trade for one soul scale at a time, so if they kill a thousand souls, they can trade for 30 soul scales. The group is amazed at how much they can get out of killing 30,000 souls in two days. They'll be teleported all over the place, which means they won't be able to help each other. They don't have to take off their clothes to get to the holy ground, because they can recognize the souls even if they were ashes. They all go to find out if they can find a way to get the three kids back.
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Tales Of Demons And Gods

Tales Of Demons And Gods • Chapter 324.5: The Ghastly Ruins (Part 2) • Page ik-page-1569837
Chapter 324.5: The Ghastly Ruins (Part 2)
This is a locked chapterChapter 324.5: The Ghastly Ruins (Part 2)
About This Chapter
The group goes to a training ground called the "horrid ruins" , where they can exchange soul scales for trinkets. The only problem is that they can't keep all of the scales in one place, so they have to trade them all at once. They can only trade for one soul scale at a time, so if they kill a thousand souls, they can trade for 30 soul scales. The group is amazed at how much they can get out of killing 30,000 souls in two days. They'll be teleported all over the place, which means they won't be able to help each other. They don't have to take off their clothes to get to the holy ground, because they can recognize the souls even if they were ashes. They all go to find out if they can find a way to get the three kids back.
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