This is a locked chapterChapter 206 - Wild Beasts Howl
About This Chapter
Now that they've reached the gates of hell, the group heads to the gate of heaven, where they'll meet up with the rest of the archangels. They're all psyched to meet the other archangels, and they're psyched to be reunited with their brethren. They all agree that ludoshel is the best of the bunch. He's got all the wisdom, magic, and charisma, and he's the one who's lost all his friends and family in the battle against the demons. Plus, the land of Britishannia has lost a lot of people in this war, so they need to make sure that he doesn't waste any more time trying to get his revenge on the other demons. They can't let his resolve to get revenge go to waste, so he'll have to throw everything away in order to get a single goal. The other angels agree that the gods have a "sick taste" in their mouths, and that the rescue didn't go as planned. They also agree that there's no way that the other angels will be able to
This is a locked chapterChapter 206 - Wild Beasts Howl
About This Chapter
Now that they've reached the gates of hell, the group heads to the gate of heaven, where they'll meet up with the rest of the archangels. They're all psyched to meet the other archangels, and they're psyched to be reunited with their brethren. They all agree that ludoshel is the best of the bunch. He's got all the wisdom, magic, and charisma, and he's the one who's lost all his friends and family in the battle against the demons. Plus, the land of Britishannia has lost a lot of people in this war, so they need to make sure that he doesn't waste any more time trying to get his revenge on the other demons. They can't let his resolve to get revenge go to waste, so he'll have to throw everything away in order to get a single goal. The other angels agree that the gods have a "sick taste" in their mouths, and that the rescue didn't go as planned. They also agree that there's no way that the other angels will be able to