This is a locked chapterChapter 186 - Defensive War in Liones
About This Chapter
In the midst of the battle at the castle, Falada and his men realize that they have lost the battle. They decide to flee to the castle. Falada tells his men that the demons are within the castle walls and that they must protect the castle with their own lives. He tells them that he will instruct the people of the castle and the knights assigned to defend the castle to build a magical barrier around the castle so that they will not be able to escape. He also tells Falada that he must be honest in his dealings with the demons in order to have a chance at winning the battle, otherwise he will be killed. When Falada hears this, he decides to kill the princess.
This is a locked chapterChapter 186 - Defensive War in Liones
About This Chapter
In the midst of the battle at the castle, Falada and his men realize that they have lost the battle. They decide to flee to the castle. Falada tells his men that the demons are within the castle walls and that they must protect the castle with their own lives. He tells them that he will instruct the people of the castle and the knights assigned to defend the castle to build a magical barrier around the castle so that they will not be able to escape. He also tells Falada that he must be honest in his dealings with the demons in order to have a chance at winning the battle, otherwise he will be killed. When Falada hears this, he decides to kill the princess.