This is a locked chapterChapter 159 - No Words Necessary
About This Chapter
When Arthur asks if he meant the meat of the earth-crawler, Eliza replies that she meant the "flavor" of the beast. Arthur says that he meant "the flavor" of "the earth crawler" , and Eliza says that she means a new monster. She says that her wound is all gone, and that she feels stronger than she has ever felt before. Arthur tells her that he can do anything for her, but that they will only end up closer to each other. He says that the smell of the meat reminds him of another victim to the "awful flavor" around here, like them. He tells Arthur that he would like to hire the "mystery chef" to come and eat at the Boar's Head Tavern. Arthur asks him if he has asked him to bring some food to vaizel, and he says he has. He also says that Elaine is with them, and they are all "split up" .
This is a locked chapterChapter 159 - No Words Necessary
About This Chapter
When Arthur asks if he meant the meat of the earth-crawler, Eliza replies that she meant the "flavor" of the beast. Arthur says that he meant "the flavor" of "the earth crawler" , and Eliza says that she means a new monster. She says that her wound is all gone, and that she feels stronger than she has ever felt before. Arthur tells her that he can do anything for her, but that they will only end up closer to each other. He says that the smell of the meat reminds him of another victim to the "awful flavor" around here, like them. He tells Arthur that he would like to hire the "mystery chef" to come and eat at the Boar's Head Tavern. Arthur asks him if he has asked him to bring some food to vaizel, and he says he has. He also says that Elaine is with them, and they are all "split up" .