The Seven Deadly Sins

The Seven Deadly Sins • Chapter 306 - The End of a Long Journey • Page ik-page-663435
The Seven Deadly Sins • Chapter 306 - The End of a Long Journey • Page ik-page-663451
Chapter 306 - The End of a Long Journey
This is a locked chapterChapter 306 - The End of a Long Journey
About This Chapter
When the battle is over, everyone is happy. They've defeated the "demon lord" , and they're back to normal. They still have to deal with the "curse" of elizabeth, which is set to go into effect tomorrow. Everyone's happy, except for meliodas, who says that if he had been the demon lord, he wouldn't be able to see them anymore. He'd just have to be reborn again. He says he's sorry that he took so long to do it, but he promises to keep his promise to Eliza.
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The Seven Deadly Sins

The Seven Deadly Sins • Chapter 306 - The End of a Long Journey • Page ik-page-663435
The Seven Deadly Sins • Chapter 306 - The End of a Long Journey • Page ik-page-663451
Chapter 306 - The End of a Long Journey
This is a locked chapterChapter 306 - The End of a Long Journey
About This Chapter
When the battle is over, everyone is happy. They've defeated the "demon lord" , and they're back to normal. They still have to deal with the "curse" of elizabeth, which is set to go into effect tomorrow. Everyone's happy, except for meliodas, who says that if he had been the demon lord, he wouldn't be able to see them anymore. He'd just have to be reborn again. He says he's sorry that he took so long to do it, but he promises to keep his promise to Eliza.
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