The Seven Deadly Sins

The Seven Deadly Sins • Chapter 323 - I'm Right Here • Page ik-page-663801
The Seven Deadly Sins • Chapter 323 - I'm Right Here • Page ik-page-663812
Chapter 323 - I'm Right Here
This is a locked chapterChapter 323 - I'm Right Here
About This Chapter
This chapter opens with a soliloquy by meliodas. He tells us that he's here to save his sister from her brother. He says that he knows that she's not the gelda he thought she was, but he still hopes that she might be. He's just waiting for the fog to clear so he can get out of there. The captain asks him what he should do, and he says that they should cut the illusions out of the mindscape so that they can't be manipulated. He also says that the captain should hand over the body of his dead son to his sons. The old man says that his sons deserve to be "overwhelmed" by their "own helplessness" , and that the vixen tricked his son into thinking that she was a prostitute. Meliodas says that thanks to his engagement with the vampire, he was able to get past the demon lord and kill him. He wants to kill both of them, too.
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The Seven Deadly Sins

The Seven Deadly Sins • Chapter 323 - I'm Right Here • Page ik-page-663801
The Seven Deadly Sins • Chapter 323 - I'm Right Here • Page ik-page-663812
Chapter 323 - I'm Right Here
This is a locked chapterChapter 323 - I'm Right Here
About This Chapter
This chapter opens with a soliloquy by meliodas. He tells us that he's here to save his sister from her brother. He says that he knows that she's not the gelda he thought she was, but he still hopes that she might be. He's just waiting for the fog to clear so he can get out of there. The captain asks him what he should do, and he says that they should cut the illusions out of the mindscape so that they can't be manipulated. He also says that the captain should hand over the body of his dead son to his sons. The old man says that his sons deserve to be "overwhelmed" by their "own helplessness" , and that the vixen tricked his son into thinking that she was a prostitute. Meliodas says that thanks to his engagement with the vampire, he was able to get past the demon lord and kill him. He wants to kill both of them, too.
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