The Seven Deadly Sins

The Seven Deadly Sins • Chapter 108 - Gentle Awakening • Page ik-page-664791
The Seven Deadly Sins • Chapter 108 - Gentle Awakening • Page ik-page-664809
The Seven Deadly Sins • Chapter 108 - Gentle Awakening • Page ik-page-664812
Chapter 108 - Gentle Awakening
This is a locked chapterChapter 108 - Gentle Awakening
About This Chapter
The Boar of the Round Table asks the two men to take a look at each other. He tells them that he learned the symbol "the demon race" from hendrickson, and that this symbol "ap peared" on his head when he drank the blood of a demon. The Boar tells the men that the quality of the magic of meliodas "is very similar" to that of the demon that he drank. He asks why dreyfus had such a book on him, and the Boar tells him that he had come to report that the savage tribes were attacking him when he opened the book. He says that if his father had not thrown off his aim, he would have killed her son. He adds that he has seen many battles, but never has he seen a man misfire an attack. When things do not line up, he says, you have to "flip everything on its head" to see things from a different angle. When he sees that his father is not dead, but alive, he realizes that the target is not his father, but Elizabeth. He realizes that his wounds are healed, and he knows that the blood on his back is the blood that drayfus brought with him.
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The Seven Deadly Sins

The Seven Deadly Sins • Chapter 108 - Gentle Awakening • Page ik-page-664791
The Seven Deadly Sins • Chapter 108 - Gentle Awakening • Page ik-page-664809
The Seven Deadly Sins • Chapter 108 - Gentle Awakening • Page ik-page-664812
Chapter 108 - Gentle Awakening
This is a locked chapterChapter 108 - Gentle Awakening
About This Chapter
The Boar of the Round Table asks the two men to take a look at each other. He tells them that he learned the symbol "the demon race" from hendrickson, and that this symbol "ap peared" on his head when he drank the blood of a demon. The Boar tells the men that the quality of the magic of meliodas "is very similar" to that of the demon that he drank. He asks why dreyfus had such a book on him, and the Boar tells him that he had come to report that the savage tribes were attacking him when he opened the book. He says that if his father had not thrown off his aim, he would have killed her son. He adds that he has seen many battles, but never has he seen a man misfire an attack. When things do not line up, he says, you have to "flip everything on its head" to see things from a different angle. When he sees that his father is not dead, but alive, he realizes that the target is not his father, but Elizabeth. He realizes that his wounds are healed, and he knows that the blood on his back is the blood that drayfus brought with him.
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