The novel opens in Hiromi's room. Hiromi introduces himself as "Hiiragi" and introduces himself to the other students as "Akira" . He tells them that he has come to visit his sister, who is staying with her parents. He asks them if they have been feeling well, and they tell him that they have not. He then asks them how long they will be away from home. They reply that it will be a few days, and Hiromi tells him that he will be fine. He also tells her that he is having fun at school, and that his mother keeps tabs on him on his cell phone. He says that he only texts his friends or his boy friend down, and he says that his mom lets him have one. She says that she sees that things have changed for the better, and she thinks that her parents have let her have more freedom than before. She also says that her grandfather has not been as scary as she said he was, but she says that this is a joke. She adds that she does not understand romance in her novels, because girls are interested in romance, and romances are all about love.
The novel opens in Hiromi's room. Hiromi introduces himself as "Hiiragi" and introduces himself to the other students as "Akira" . He tells them that he has come to visit his sister, who is staying with her parents. He asks them if they have been feeling well, and they tell him that they have not. He then asks them how long they will be away from home. They reply that it will be a few days, and Hiromi tells him that he will be fine. He also tells her that he is having fun at school, and that his mother keeps tabs on him on his cell phone. He says that he only texts his friends or his boy friend down, and he says that his mom lets him have one. She says that she sees that things have changed for the better, and she thinks that her parents have let her have more freedom than before. She also says that her grandfather has not been as scary as she said he was, but she says that this is a joke. She adds that she does not understand romance in her novels, because girls are interested in romance, and romances are all about love.