The main character of the story is a young girl named Tsukamoto, who is in charge of the household. She is responsible for making sure that her sister is well fed and that she is not late for school. The girl is a good student, and she is in love with a man named Tomoyuki, the president of the school's Aikido club. The two of them decide to play a game of cards, where each card is a symbol of a different aspect of the girl's personality.
The main character of the story is a young girl named Tsukamoto, who is in charge of the household. She is responsible for making sure that her sister is well fed and that she is not late for school. The girl is a good student, and she is in love with a man named Tomoyuki, the president of the school's Aikido club. The two of them decide to play a game of cards, where each card is a symbol of a different aspect of the girl's personality.