In the midst of the battle between the two teams of knights, Harima and Tenma are in a daze. Harima tells Tenma that she is going on a "journey whoosh" , and that she has fallen in love with him. She tells him that the whole team of knights has helped her in the fight, but that it is Harima's fault that they have lost. She says that she will leave on a journey that will reveal more about her love for Tenma
In the midst of the battle between the two teams of knights, Harima and Tenma are in a daze. Harima tells Tenma that she is going on a "journey whoosh" , and that she has fallen in love with him. She tells him that the whole team of knights has helped her in the fight, but that it is Harima's fault that they have lost. She says that she will leave on a journey that will reveal more about her love for Tenma