In this short scene, Shmoop and the others discuss the fight that is about to take place between Hiroshi and Selia. Selia complains that Hiroshi seems to be trying to kill her. She asks Selia to stop the fight, but Selia refuses, saying that she has no reason to kill Hiroshi. Shmimicking Hiroshi's response, Shmiler says that Selia's reason for fighting is that she is afraid of what will happen to her if she does not protect herself from the evil of Hiroshi
In this short scene, Shmoop and the others discuss the fight that is about to take place between Hiroshi and Selia. Selia complains that Hiroshi seems to be trying to kill her. She asks Selia to stop the fight, but Selia refuses, saying that she has no reason to kill Hiroshi. Shmimicking Hiroshi's response, Shmiler says that Selia's reason for fighting is that she is afraid of what will happen to her if she does not protect herself from the evil of Hiroshi