This is a locked chapterRAVE: 30 The Truth About Rave
About This Chapter
In the cave, the bear greets the master of the rave. Deer tells the story of how he and the other knights of the sky fought together in the Crusades against Spain. They lost, but the spirits of the warriors who protected the raves borrowed their spirits to protect the cave. Deer says that he has been guarding the cave for the last 50 years, and that he knows of no one else who has been able to do so. He says that when he knew that the rave was broken, he could not do anything to help. He feels bad for his friend, but he thinks that he must have been happier in the end than anyone else. The story of the war and the death of the brave warriors of the symphonia is told in this chapter. The war broke out in the small country, but this is a graveyard in name only. Their bodies are not actually there, just memories. Deer is glad that he is the one who holds the rave, and he says that there must be no more war.