In this short scene, we are introduced to the characters of the dance contest, which is currently taking place in the streets of Paris. The first person we meet is the "raging master," who tells us that he is a lonely step away from the dance floor. He asks the other dancers if they are okay, and they tell him that they are. He tells them that the team is ahead of the other team with 71 points, and that they should not worry about it. He also tells them to count on "mika" , who he thinks lacks "grace" . He then tells the dancers that he has invited "little haru" to the contest, and he asks them to tell him where their partner is. The dancers tell him to tell little "haru" that he will never leave the contest alive, and raves that this is their last time to see him. The dance contest is a new record, he tells us, with a total of 100 points scored. He compares the dance to a "inhuman" dance, and says that the dancers are "almost inhuman." He tells the others to hold on to their positions, because the team has lost one of its dancers. The other dancers have withdrawn from the competition, and the dance team is missing one of them. He says that he cannot dance, because he is "actin' weird," and that he can't find a way to do so. The dancing team has been missing a dancer, but he is in the room of the little boy, who has come to visit them. The group is holding on to each other, and it seems that "something's wrong" is going on with the team.