Rave Master

Rave Master • RAVE: 75 The Side Roads Are Full of Danger?! • Page ik-page-1809873
Rave Master • RAVE: 75 The Side Roads Are Full of Danger?! • Page ik-page-1809872
RAVE: 75 The Side Roads Are Full of Danger?!
This is a locked chapterRAVE: 75 The Side Roads Are Full of Danger?!
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we learn that the Silver Knights have purchased all of the money from the sale of their former ship, the advent, and the rest of the gang's money. They have also purchased a rare bird, the rainbow bird, which is one of three endangered species of birds in the world. The bird is said to be a symbol of mother energy, which means that the world is run on low-cost energy from the earth. The Silver Knights discuss how long it will take them to reach Pluto, and how they will get there without any trouble. They also discuss the fact that the government is crooked, and that they should never have let Hiroki take care of their books. They talk about a floating casino, and then they discuss how they feel like fish out of water, because rich people are stupid. Hiroki apologizes for not being able to meet with them today, and poyo tells him that he has the rare bird for him. He says that he will let it go, but that there is something else that poyo wants, and he will bring it in soon.
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Rave Master

Rave Master • RAVE: 75 The Side Roads Are Full of Danger?! • Page ik-page-1809873
Rave Master • RAVE: 75 The Side Roads Are Full of Danger?! • Page ik-page-1809872
RAVE: 75 The Side Roads Are Full of Danger?!
This is a locked chapterRAVE: 75 The Side Roads Are Full of Danger?!
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we learn that the Silver Knights have purchased all of the money from the sale of their former ship, the advent, and the rest of the gang's money. They have also purchased a rare bird, the rainbow bird, which is one of three endangered species of birds in the world. The bird is said to be a symbol of mother energy, which means that the world is run on low-cost energy from the earth. The Silver Knights discuss how long it will take them to reach Pluto, and how they will get there without any trouble. They also discuss the fact that the government is crooked, and that they should never have let Hiroki take care of their books. They talk about a floating casino, and then they discuss how they feel like fish out of water, because rich people are stupid. Hiroki apologizes for not being able to meet with them today, and poyo tells him that he has the rare bird for him. He says that he will let it go, but that there is something else that poyo wants, and he will bring it in soon.
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