Rave Master

Rave Master • RAVE: 101 To the Never-Ending Future • Page ik-page-1810691
Rave Master • RAVE: 101 To the Never-Ending Future • Page ik-page-1810686
RAVE: 101 To the Never-Ending Future
This is a locked chapterRAVE: 101 To the Never-Ending Future
About This Chapter
The next morning, the three of them discuss the previous night's events. They're all worried about what's going to happen in the future, and about whether or not they'll be able to make it back to the cave. The three are worried about the ground, which seems to be sinking, and they're worried that the monster is going to try to get back in. They decide to climb up to the top of the cave, but the smell of the ground makes them want to run away. They can't stop thinking about the monster and how it's trying to eat them.
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Rave Master

Rave Master • RAVE: 101 To the Never-Ending Future • Page ik-page-1810691
Rave Master • RAVE: 101 To the Never-Ending Future • Page ik-page-1810686
RAVE: 101 To the Never-Ending Future
This is a locked chapterRAVE: 101 To the Never-Ending Future
About This Chapter
The next morning, the three of them discuss the previous night's events. They're all worried about what's going to happen in the future, and about whether or not they'll be able to make it back to the cave. The three are worried about the ground, which seems to be sinking, and they're worried that the monster is going to try to get back in. They decide to climb up to the top of the cave, but the smell of the ground makes them want to run away. They can't stop thinking about the monster and how it's trying to eat them.
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