The next morning, the three of them prepare to leave for the launch pad. As they prepare for the flight, they joke about the fact that they're not going to be able to play any sports because of the medical school they'll be attending. They also joke about how much fun it will be to be an "astronaut" , which is a fancy term for a space-faring person. They joke that if they tell anyone about their plans, they will be laughed at and ridiculed. Finally, they get to the point: they've been waiting four years for this to happen, and now they are ready to go.
The next morning, the three of them prepare to leave for the launch pad. As they prepare for the flight, they joke about the fact that they're not going to be able to play any sports because of the medical school they'll be attending. They also joke about how much fun it will be to be an "astronaut" , which is a fancy term for a space-faring person. They joke that if they tell anyone about their plans, they will be laughed at and ridiculed. Finally, they get to the point: they've been waiting four years for this to happen, and now they are ready to go.