In this chapter, we learn that the team is testing the strength of the man's body by placing a band around his wrist. The band can track his pulse, body temperature, and other vital signs. The man is so impressed by the band that he plans to wear it all the time during the test. The team also tells him that if even one of the men leaves the test box during the allotted time, the entire team will have failed. This is because even if the man manages to answer all the questions correctly, he will not be able to complete the test because he has not worn his exercise clothes. The group is supposed to sit in the box and wait for the test to begin. The men are supposed to answer the questions as they are presented to them. If they do not answer correctly, they will lose the test and be thrown out of the box. The only person who will be allowed to continue the test is the man who answers the most questions correctly. He will be called "mucochan" .
In this chapter, we learn that the team is testing the strength of the man's body by placing a band around his wrist. The band can track his pulse, body temperature, and other vital signs. The man is so impressed by the band that he plans to wear it all the time during the test. The team also tells him that if even one of the men leaves the test box during the allotted time, the entire team will have failed. This is because even if the man manages to answer all the questions correctly, he will not be able to complete the test because he has not worn his exercise clothes. The group is supposed to sit in the box and wait for the test to begin. The men are supposed to answer the questions as they are presented to them. If they do not answer correctly, they will lose the test and be thrown out of the box. The only person who will be allowed to continue the test is the man who answers the most questions correctly. He will be called "mucochan" .