There is no other way for yarais to save his past, he says. He wants to go back to the pyramid and threaten nishkiori, but he can't think of a way to do it. He also says that he heard that nishibiri was going to say something like, "We were too late" , and that's why he's gotten himself into this mess. He's not sure what to do. He tells us that his mother died twice, once when he was a child and another time when she was pregnant. He was a smart kid, but when he got older, he lost his family. He became a moody, angry kid, and eventually, she died from arachnoid haemorrhage . That's it, yarai. He knows that he should have killed nishidiori that day, because no one could stop him from doing what he was doing. He wonders what the heck is going on down there, and wonders if there's some sort of creature there.