Cage of Eden

Cage of Eden • Chapter 139: Strong Bond • Page ik-page-1775479
Cage of Eden • Chapter 139: Strong Bond • Page ik-page-1775460
Cage of Eden • Chapter 139: Strong Bond • Page ik-page-1775465
Chapter 139: Strong Bond
This is a locked chapterChapter 139: Strong Bond
About This Chapter
The next morning, Sihou and Aka prepare to leave for home. Sihou tells Aka that he expects to wake up with a headache, but Aka assures him that he will be fine. They discuss the new Aka-Zali game, which Sihou has been playing for the past few days. Aka tells Sihou that he has made a mistake, but Sihou assures him he will always stick by him
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Cage of Eden

Cage of Eden • Chapter 139: Strong Bond • Page ik-page-1775479
Cage of Eden • Chapter 139: Strong Bond • Page ik-page-1775460
Cage of Eden • Chapter 139: Strong Bond • Page ik-page-1775465
Chapter 139: Strong Bond
This is a locked chapterChapter 139: Strong Bond
About This Chapter
The next morning, Sihou and Aka prepare to leave for home. Sihou tells Aka that he expects to wake up with a headache, but Aka assures him that he will be fine. They discuss the new Aka-Zali game, which Sihou has been playing for the past few days. Aka tells Sihou that he has made a mistake, but Sihou assures him he will always stick by him
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