This is a locked chapterChapter 36: A Sky of Light
About This Chapter
Okay, it's been raining all day, and now it sounds like a big storm is about to hit. Everyone is freaking out. Everyone's worried about what's going to happen to the cave, and they're freaking out because the water level is going to go down. They're going to have to go all the way up to the top of the cave to get to the bottom, and that'll be a lot of work. They don't know how to get the people to trust them, so they need to go the other way. They can't get the tap water to go up, but the river is coming from above, and it'll follow them. They need to trust him, because he's the only one who knows how to make it up. He's telling the truth, and the water will follow them, too. They should trust him because the river will follow him, too, and he'll stay alive. He hopes that everyone's okay, but he still thinks that everyone suffered more than them. He wants to help them all, because they are his friends.