This is a locked chapterChapter 61: A Glorious View
About This Chapter
Everyone is psyched to see the summit. They haven't met Mina since they went after her, and they're worried that she's going to get sick from altitude sickness. They can't stand the whole way up to the top of the mountain, so they'll have to descend a little further to get to the bottom. Mina is worried that they've seen no one on the mountain since they left. They've only seen one person on the island before, and he's a friend of Yonk's. Yonk says that the island isn't our world, and that's why they came. He says that Yonk must have been looking through his telescope at the moon, and Yonk is the only one who can see the moon with his naked eye. He tells Yonk that he used to brag about how much he could see with his telescope, and how he could even see things with the telescope that he couldn't see with the naked eye