This is a locked chapterChapter 136: The Secret of "Miina's Tower"
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The next morning, Miina asks the doctor about the tower, and the doctor tells her that it's not necessary to build a new one. Miina tells the doctor that she's been feeling better recently, and asks him if she'll be able to cook for him when they get back to Japan. The doctor says that he's a good cook, and Miina says that's fine, but Miina doesn't seem to be a picky eater. They're going to go back to camp together, so Miina changes her towel and says that she hasn't been bathing in a week. She's glad to be back, because she'd like to get ready before she goes back to the camp. Miin tells her to stop making up stories, because they've all come back together. She asks Miina why they haven't told her the whole story yet, and she says that they're all waiting for her to tell them the whole thing. She tells Miina that the doctor told her that the tower was built by a "rotten scoundrel." Miina wonders what the heck happened to the doctor, since he was such a good scoundrel. She wonders if the tower's name is Miina's Island.