Cage of Eden

Cage of Eden • Chapter 37: A Country of Children • Page ik-page-1773255
Cage of Eden • Chapter 37: A Country of Children • Page ik-page-1773250
Chapter 37: A Country of Children
This is a locked chapterChapter 37: A Country of Children
About This Chapter
Okay, now it's time for the group to get to work. They're all bummed out that the search party hasn't been able to find any of the people who were on board the doomed plane. They wonder if they'll ever be able to get back to the mainland, since the island is so small. They also wonder if there's a way to start a country, since there are so many small countries around the world. First off, a country is a place where people live and govern themselves. There's also a country called the Vatican City State, which is a tiny country with only 800 people and only four citizens. There are also countries that only have buildings as their territory, and there are even countries that have no buildings at all at all. The group is bummed out because they've found a flag on top of a building, but they don't know what to do with it. They decide to start their own country.
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Cage of Eden

Cage of Eden • Chapter 37: A Country of Children • Page ik-page-1773255
Cage of Eden • Chapter 37: A Country of Children • Page ik-page-1773250
Chapter 37: A Country of Children
This is a locked chapterChapter 37: A Country of Children
About This Chapter
Okay, now it's time for the group to get to work. They're all bummed out that the search party hasn't been able to find any of the people who were on board the doomed plane. They wonder if they'll ever be able to get back to the mainland, since the island is so small. They also wonder if there's a way to start a country, since there are so many small countries around the world. First off, a country is a place where people live and govern themselves. There's also a country called the Vatican City State, which is a tiny country with only 800 people and only four citizens. There are also countries that only have buildings as their territory, and there are even countries that have no buildings at all at all. The group is bummed out because they've found a flag on top of a building, but they don't know what to do with it. They decide to start their own country.
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