It's now past midnight, and the sun is still up. The two of them are going to head over to Mina's house. Mina tries to wake up the sleeping couple, but they're both too tired to do so. Mina says she's going to wait outside the house until the sun comes up, and then she'll go back inside. Mina doesn't want to be in trouble if the sun does come up, so she tells the couple to go back outside and wait for the sun to come up. Then she tells them to knock on the door, and if they don't, she promises that she will kill them if they do. Mina is all, "I'm sorry, I'm going to go because I want to see you" . She's so sorry, in fact, that she can't even whisper to the other sleeping couple to get them to leave the house. Instead, she says, she just wants to be alone with Mina. She tells them that the whole trip they've been on has drained their "batteries" , and they need to get some alone time before everyone else wakes up. Mina wants to know what's up with the sun, but she can barely say anything. She asks if she can kiss him, and he says it's too late, but he's still in love with her. He says he'll head back to the hotel, and Mina says they'll make a good "memor" tonight.
It's now past midnight, and the sun is still up. The two of them are going to head over to Mina's house. Mina tries to wake up the sleeping couple, but they're both too tired to do so. Mina says she's going to wait outside the house until the sun comes up, and then she'll go back inside. Mina doesn't want to be in trouble if the sun does come up, so she tells the couple to go back outside and wait for the sun to come up. Then she tells them to knock on the door, and if they don't, she promises that she will kill them if they do. Mina is all, "I'm sorry, I'm going to go because I want to see you" . She's so sorry, in fact, that she can't even whisper to the other sleeping couple to get them to leave the house. Instead, she says, she just wants to be alone with Mina. She tells them that the whole trip they've been on has drained their "batteries" , and they need to get some alone time before everyone else wakes up. Mina wants to know what's up with the sun, but she can barely say anything. She asks if she can kiss him, and he says it's too late, but he's still in love with her. He says he'll head back to the hotel, and Mina says they'll make a good "memor" tonight.