Tsuredure Children • 56_ Sick • Page ik-page-1860021
56_ Sick
This is a locked chapter56_ Sick
About This Chapter
The kitten tells the doctor that he is sick and needs to give up his love for the doctor. The doctor tells the kitten that it is because he fell in love with him. The kitten begs the doctor to take away her love for him, but the doctor refuses, saying that it would be dangerous for him to do so
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Tsuredure Children • 56_ Sick • Page ik-page-1860021
56_ Sick
This is a locked chapter56_ Sick
About This Chapter
The kitten tells the doctor that he is sick and needs to give up his love for the doctor. The doctor tells the kitten that it is because he fell in love with him. The kitten begs the doctor to take away her love for him, but the doctor refuses, saying that it would be dangerous for him to do so
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