Deadman's Undecember

Deadman's Undecember • Chapter 127, Act 76: Wanye's All Factions (Part 2) • Page ik-page-4476300
Deadman's Undecember • Chapter 127, Act 76: Wanye's All Factions (Part 2) • Page ik-page-4476301
Deadman's Undecember • Chapter 127, Act 76: Wanye's All Factions (Part 2) • Page ik-page-4476302
Chapter 127, Act 76: Wanye's All Factions (Part 2)
This is a locked chapterChapter 127, Act 76: Wanye's All Factions (Part 2)
About This Chapter
After countless battles and fighting, the corpse and sword disappear from the land, and no one sees them anymore. The corpse and the sword belong to the sect, even if they're not useful to him. He wants to go to the lake area and find out what's going on. He's got a message for the 15th squad: they need to capture the corpse. The three descendants of the original gang have come back, and they don't have ordinary magic abilities, but they have the ability to keep the magic within themselves. They're smart enough to know how to use their innate abilities to infect people. They need to infect a million people, and if they can do this, they'll be able to leave the lake. The prize is freedom, and this is the prize for the elite of the sect. After he's done with the mission, he'll find a country to be famous. He asks if they want to play with other people's abilities. The answer is the same as the answer given by the nine realms master: if the augmented did shady work in the city, it's possible that he'd done something shady with the sect's magic. The plague appears at the same time as the festival, which is a coincidence.
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Deadman's Undecember

Deadman's Undecember • Chapter 127, Act 76: Wanye's All Factions (Part 2) • Page ik-page-4476300
Deadman's Undecember • Chapter 127, Act 76: Wanye's All Factions (Part 2) • Page ik-page-4476301
Deadman's Undecember • Chapter 127, Act 76: Wanye's All Factions (Part 2) • Page ik-page-4476302
Chapter 127, Act 76: Wanye's All Factions (Part 2)
This is a locked chapterChapter 127, Act 76: Wanye's All Factions (Part 2)
About This Chapter
After countless battles and fighting, the corpse and sword disappear from the land, and no one sees them anymore. The corpse and the sword belong to the sect, even if they're not useful to him. He wants to go to the lake area and find out what's going on. He's got a message for the 15th squad: they need to capture the corpse. The three descendants of the original gang have come back, and they don't have ordinary magic abilities, but they have the ability to keep the magic within themselves. They're smart enough to know how to use their innate abilities to infect people. They need to infect a million people, and if they can do this, they'll be able to leave the lake. The prize is freedom, and this is the prize for the elite of the sect. After he's done with the mission, he'll find a country to be famous. He asks if they want to play with other people's abilities. The answer is the same as the answer given by the nine realms master: if the augmented did shady work in the city, it's possible that he'd done something shady with the sect's magic. The plague appears at the same time as the festival, which is a coincidence.
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