In this short scene, the Governess tells Lockwood that she has dedicated her entire life to protecting him. Lockwood tells her that he has nothing to offer her, and that she should not look to him for help when she needs it. Lockwood replies that he might be able to help her, but he has no plans to help anyone else. The Governess replies that the explosion was not caused by an infinity atmos, but by the stench of gun powder in the cavalry. She then tells Lockwood about how she has been at war with the Russians for a while, and how they have fired missiles at her. She tells him that she fired the missiles because she could not get the death sentence as a minor. Lockwood responds that he was startled and used all of the absorbed energy on shielding her. Lockwood then tells him to stop shaming his older brother, and says that he is "embarrassed" into the house. Lockwood retorts that he does not know who the hell he thinks he is, since he seems to be so soft-headed. He then asks Lockwood if he is too low on the totem pole to know that Lockwood is all going to die.
In this short scene, the Governess tells Lockwood that she has dedicated her entire life to protecting him. Lockwood tells her that he has nothing to offer her, and that she should not look to him for help when she needs it. Lockwood replies that he might be able to help her, but he has no plans to help anyone else. The Governess replies that the explosion was not caused by an infinity atmos, but by the stench of gun powder in the cavalry. She then tells Lockwood about how she has been at war with the Russians for a while, and how they have fired missiles at her. She tells him that she fired the missiles because she could not get the death sentence as a minor. Lockwood responds that he was startled and used all of the absorbed energy on shielding her. Lockwood then tells him to stop shaming his older brother, and says that he is "embarrassed" into the house. Lockwood retorts that he does not know who the hell he thinks he is, since he seems to be so soft-headed. He then asks Lockwood if he is too low on the totem pole to know that Lockwood is all going to die.