In this short scene, the protagonist is caught up in a virtual space battle between the sleeping forest team and the team of Kogarasumaru. The protagonist realizes that he cannot reach the balloon, which is about 25 meters away, because the wind is blowing at such a high speed that it will take him five minutes to reach it. He also realizes that the time limit of the battle is thirty minutes, which means that he has only three minutes to get to the balloon. He feels sorry for the other players, who are probably falling to their deaths in the battle, because he has done all he can to get there. He knows that the balloon has been blown out of the air by now, so he decides to try to get it back.
In this short scene, the protagonist is caught up in a virtual space battle between the sleeping forest team and the team of Kogarasumaru. The protagonist realizes that he cannot reach the balloon, which is about 25 meters away, because the wind is blowing at such a high speed that it will take him five minutes to reach it. He also realizes that the time limit of the battle is thirty minutes, which means that he has only three minutes to get to the balloon. He feels sorry for the other players, who are probably falling to their deaths in the battle, because he has done all he can to get there. He knows that the balloon has been blown out of the air by now, so he decides to try to get it back.