In the first inning of the second game of the Tokyo-Mendocino tournament, Ohya High School of Yokohama, Japan, takes an early lead against a first-year southpaw pitcher named Sawamura. The first batter, a right-handed batter, is hit by the first pitch, and the second batter, an opposite-fielder, strikes out. The third batter strikes out, but the first strike is a foul ball. The second strike is an inside-the-park home run, which the third-base coach calls a "clean hit." The first run is the result of a walk, an error, and a balk, all of which were committed by the pitcher.
In the first inning of the second game of the Tokyo-Mendocino tournament, Ohya High School of Yokohama, Japan, takes an early lead against a first-year southpaw pitcher named Sawamura. The first batter, a right-handed batter, is hit by the first pitch, and the second batter, an opposite-fielder, strikes out. The third batter strikes out, but the first strike is a foul ball. The second strike is an inside-the-park home run, which the third-base coach calls a "clean hit." The first run is the result of a walk, an error, and a balk, all of which were committed by the pitcher.