This scene opens in the middle of a soliloquy by Lin Bing, who has just returned from the Nine-Florentine Palace. He tells the audience that he has come to tell Lin Bing that he will go with him to the palace in order to save his life. Lin Bing begs Lin Bing not to kill him, but Lin Bing refuses to listen to him. He says that he is willing to go to the nine-florentine palace as long as Lin Bing does not kill him
This scene opens in the middle of a soliloquy by Lin Bing, who has just returned from the Nine-Florentine Palace. He tells the audience that he has come to tell Lin Bing that he will go with him to the palace in order to save his life. Lin Bing begs Lin Bing not to kill him, but Lin Bing refuses to listen to him. He says that he is willing to go to the nine-florentine palace as long as Lin Bing does not kill him