The next morning, the young master tells the old master that he has discovered a new method of refining pills. He says that the pill qi that he is giving out is actually spirit liquid, which he has found in the egg of the spirit beast. The young master says that this is the first time he has seen such a pure spirit liquid. He also says that liuxiang is using this method too, but that she is not using it for cultivating, but for suppressing the frost qi in her body. The old master is amazed at how many people are standing guard around him. He tells the master that two days ago a bunch of mountain bandits attacked the town, and that the city lord has finally lost his patience with the family. He asks the master to accompany him to the underground prison, where he will be locked up.
The next morning, the young master tells the old master that he has discovered a new method of refining pills. He says that the pill qi that he is giving out is actually spirit liquid, which he has found in the egg of the spirit beast. The young master says that this is the first time he has seen such a pure spirit liquid. He also says that liuxiang is using this method too, but that she is not using it for cultivating, but for suppressing the frost qi in her body. The old master is amazed at how many people are standing guard around him. He tells the master that two days ago a bunch of mountain bandits attacked the town, and that the city lord has finally lost his patience with the family. He asks the master to accompany him to the underground prison, where he will be locked up.