UQ HOLDER! • Chapter 133: The Long 37 Seconds • Page ik-page-362480
UQ HOLDER! • Chapter 133: The Long 37 Seconds • Page ik-page-362481
UQ HOLDER! • Chapter 133: The Long 37 Seconds • Page ik-page-362482
Chapter 133: The Long 37 Seconds
This is a locked chapterChapter 133: The Long 37 Seconds
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we learn the secret of shinmei school's sword-slicing technique, which involves the use of a "rock slicing sword" . In this case, the sword is a "multi-layered magic barrier" , which means that it can be broken up into multiple parts. In other words, it is a sword that can be cut in half, or "sliced" in half . This is the same sword that was used in the previous chapter's opening scene, in which the sword was sliced in half. This time, however, it will be broken in half and the sword will be "cut in half" again . We learn that the sword has been in use since the beginning of the novel, and that it has been a staple of the school since its inception. We also learn that it is the sword that has been used to cut off the heads of the dead, which is why the school is called "Shinmei School." This is a reference to the fact that the school was founded in the middle of the 19th century, and it was the first school in the world to use a sword to cut the heads off of dead people. The sword is also a symbol of the evil that exists in Shinmei School, and we learn that this evil exists because of the sword's ability to cut through multiple layers of magical barriers. The evil in this chapter is that of the "final boss," who is trying to get his hands on "sakurame," the girl in the school who has been fighting with the sword. The final boss, we are told, is "just trying to her true true name . . and i do not,
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UQ HOLDER! • Chapter 133: The Long 37 Seconds • Page ik-page-362480
UQ HOLDER! • Chapter 133: The Long 37 Seconds • Page ik-page-362481
UQ HOLDER! • Chapter 133: The Long 37 Seconds • Page ik-page-362482
Chapter 133: The Long 37 Seconds
This is a locked chapterChapter 133: The Long 37 Seconds
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we learn the secret of shinmei school's sword-slicing technique, which involves the use of a "rock slicing sword" . In this case, the sword is a "multi-layered magic barrier" , which means that it can be broken up into multiple parts. In other words, it is a sword that can be cut in half, or "sliced" in half . This is the same sword that was used in the previous chapter's opening scene, in which the sword was sliced in half. This time, however, it will be broken in half and the sword will be "cut in half" again . We learn that the sword has been in use since the beginning of the novel, and that it has been a staple of the school since its inception. We also learn that it is the sword that has been used to cut off the heads of the dead, which is why the school is called "Shinmei School." This is a reference to the fact that the school was founded in the middle of the 19th century, and it was the first school in the world to use a sword to cut the heads off of dead people. The sword is also a symbol of the evil that exists in Shinmei School, and we learn that this evil exists because of the sword's ability to cut through multiple layers of magical barriers. The evil in this chapter is that of the "final boss," who is trying to get his hands on "sakurame," the girl in the school who has been fighting with the sword. The final boss, we are told, is "just trying to her true true name . . and i do not,
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