In this chapter, we are introduced to a new character named Chikamaru, who has just returned from a trip to the Galapagos Islands. He is overjoyed to see his friend, Tota, and he asks her to feed him in a "feminine or feminine way" . When she refuses to do so, he tells her that she is a "clone" of the "magister neg springfield" , and she responds by saying that she never thought she would have to nurse him back to health. When he asks if she is joking, she replies that he is not joking and that she will get him a response. She then asks him if he is talking about "sidestick," and he replies that it is "very importanti myself" that she was so obsessed with him. She calls him "nii," or "san," and she gives him a holograph image as a parting gift.
In this chapter, we are introduced to a new character named Chikamaru, who has just returned from a trip to the Galapagos Islands. He is overjoyed to see his friend, Tota, and he asks her to feed him in a "feminine or feminine way" . When she refuses to do so, he tells her that she is a "clone" of the "magister neg springfield" , and she responds by saying that she never thought she would have to nurse him back to health. When he asks if she is joking, she replies that he is not joking and that she will get him a response. She then asks him if he is talking about "sidestick," and he replies that it is "very importanti myself" that she was so obsessed with him. She calls him "nii," or "san," and she gives him a holograph image as a parting gift.